In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we prevent, protect against and respond to cyber threats. AI’s transformative impact in this domain is profound, offering unprecedented advantages in identifying, analyzing, and neutralizing cyber risks. By leveraging complex algorithms and machine learning, AI systems can swiftly detect patterns indicative of malicious activities, often identifying threats far more rapidly than traditional methods. This capability is particularly crucial in an era where cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent.

AI’s ability to adapt and learn from new threats means it continuously improves its defense strategies, making it an indispensable ally in the ongoing battle against cybercrime. The integration of AI in cybersecurity not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of security measures but also significantly reduces the time and resources required to combat these digital dangers, thereby safeguarding our digital world with greater precision and intelligence.

Infinity AI Copilot Transforming Cyber security with Intelligent GenAI Automation and Support- More security. Less time and effort.

Leveraging the convergence of AI and cloud technologies, Infinity AI Copilot addresses the growing global shortage of cyber security practitioners by boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of security teams.

Reduce up to 90% of the time needed to perform common administrative tasks with a Generative AI security solution that harnesses automation and collaborative intelligence.

Unlike other AI models that work in a silo, Infinity AI Copilot delivers broad platform support for a variety of use cases – helping manage security across the entire Infinity Platform.

Infinity AI Copilot knows the customer’s policies, access rules, objects, logs, as well as all product documentation – allowing it to provide contextualized and complete answers.

Key Capabilities

Accelerate security

Infinity AI Copilot saves up to 90% of the time needed for administrative work for security tasks including event analysis, implementation, and troubleshooting.Security professionals can dedicate more time to strategic innovation, thanks to the time saved.

Manage and deploy
security policies

Manage, modify and automatically deploy access rules and security controls, specific to each customer’s policy.

Made simple natural
language processing

Interacting with Infinity AI Copilot GenAI is as natural as a conversation with a human. It understands and responds via chat in any language, making it easier for users to communicate and execute tasks. This natural language capability fosters seamless interaction and effective task execution.

Oversee all solutions
and environment

AI Copilot oversee all products across the entire Check Point Infinity Platform – from network to cloud to workspace – making it a true comprehensive assistant.

Improve incident
mitigation and response

leverage AI in threat hunting, analysis and resolution.

ThreatCloud AI is Check Point’s Big Data Intelligence engine. It uses 50+ AI and Machine Learning technologies that identify and block emerging threats that were never seen before. Out of the 50 AI-based engines 11 uses Deep Learning technology and 38 Classic Machine Learning technology. During 2023 we’ve added 12 new engines:

  • 2 Deep
  • 7 Classic Machine
  • 3 Traditional

ThreatCloud AI aggregates and analyzes big data telemetry and millions of Indicators of compromise (IoCs) every day. Its threat intelligence database is fed from 150,000 connected networks and millions of endpoint devices, as well as Check Point Research and dozens of external feeds. ThreatCloud AI updates newly revealed threats and protections in real-time across Check Point’s entire security stack

Collaborative Security - ThreatCloud AI

AI is All About Your Data

Counted DAILY!

  • 2,800,000,000 Websites and files inspected
  • 146,000,000 Full content emails
  • 53,000,000 File emulations
  • 20,000,000 Potential IoT devices
  • 2,600,000 Malicious indicators
  • 1,500,000 Newly installed mobile apps
  • 1,200,000 Online web forms
Big Data Threat Intelligence

Here are some of the ways ThreatCloud AI prevents emerging cyber threats

ThreatCloud Graph: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective on Cyber Security

This innovative feature is moving beyond the traditional analysis of standalone entities, such as URLs, IPs, and domain names. ThreatCloud Graph delves into the interconnected web of relationships between these entities, unveiling a multi-dimensional perspective on cyber threats.

ThreatCloud Graph’s innovative approach in analyzing the interconnected web of relationships in the cyber threat landscape provides a powerful tool for proactive threat prevention, insightful attack detection, and robust defense against zero-day threats.

Main Benefits

1.Holistic Threat Prevention

ThreatCloud Graph offers a comprehensive view of cyber threats by analyzing the relationships between various entities, such as URLs, IPs, and domain names. This approach goes beyond examining standalone threats, providing a multi-dimensional perspective that focuses on proactive prevention. This holistic perspective allows for a deeper understanding of how threats are interconnected and how they operate within larger networks and campaigns.

2.Graph Patterns and Attack Insight

By identifying unique patterns of relations between different cyber entities, ThreatCloud Graph provides valuable insights into malicious activities. This feature is particularly useful in detecting and understanding complex attacks like DNS poisoning. The ability to recognize these patterns and links between common entities facilitates the early detection and prevention of sophisticated cyber threats, enhancing overall security.

3.Preventing Zero-Day Emerging Threats

Leveraging the knowledge of ThreatCloud AI, ThreatCloud Graph is adept at preventing emerging threats, including zero-day attacks. It establishes the reputation of URLs, domains, and IP addresses based on their relations to previously known malicious artifacts. This preemptive approach, which does not rely solely on detected malicious content, allows for the early identification and blocking of potential threats, ensuring robust protection against the most advanced and emerging attacks.

AI-powered Brand Spoofing Prevention

Expanding our zero-phishing offering, we’ve intoroduced our innovative AI-powered engine to prevent local and global brand impersonation employed in phishing attacks, collaboratory protecting across networks, emails, mobile devices, and endpoints, with 40% higher catch rate than traditional technologies.

The newly developed engine blocks links and browsing associated with local and global brands that have been impersonated and exploited as bait to deceive victims in phishing attacks, spanning multiple languages and countries.

1.AI-Powered Brand Spoofing Prevention

  • Protect your organization against brand impersonation phishing attacks.
  • Real time blocking of access to links that impersonate international or local brands
  • 40% higher catch rate than traditional technologies

2.Preemptive, real-time prevention

  • Utilizing innovative AI technologies, new domains are auto inspected upon registration to identify potential brand spoofing attempts and are blocked before they can even be used in an attack

3.Collaborative protection with ThreatCloud AI

  • Immediately apply zero brand spoofing protection across any attack vector including email, files, SMS and more, across your Network, Endpoint, Mobile and SaaS

Deep PDF

AI powered engine which provides accurate and precise identification of malicious PDF’s without relying on static signatures

Deep PDF’, an innovative AI model, and an integrated part of ThreatCloud AI, takes a giant leap forward in identifying and blocking Malicious PDFs used in global scale phishing campaigns. These attacks can be activated via a variety of vectors, including email, web downloads, HTML smuggling, SMS messages and more. Check Point Quantum and Harmony products protect these vectors, so our customers remain protected.

Deep PDF’- How it work?

‘Deep PDF’ engine examines the PDF structure, embedded images, URLs and Raw content, looking for phishing layout. The power of this model is not just in the sheer volume of files it can detect, but also in its precision, making it an asset in the constant battle against phishing campaigns and spam.

Researchers in Check Point found that PDF files have similar structure. ‘Deep PDF’ search, among other things, for:

  • Malicious links
  • URL placement on the document
  • Image placement on the page

We encode these abstract characteristics and much more to features and trained ‘Deep PDF’ to distinguish between benign and malicious PDF files.


A New Machine Learning Engine Designed to Detect Malicious LNK Files

  • LinkGuard is an Machine Learning engine designed to detect malicious LNK files, now Integrated into ThreatCloud AI
  • LNK files are often seen as harmless shortcuts, but are frequently used by cybercriminals to deliver malware and enable social engineering attacks
  • The new engine excels at identifying obfuscation techniques, leveraging linguistic analysis to achieve an impressive 90%+ detection rate

LinkGuard is designed to tackle one of the Internet’s sneakiest threats: malicious LNK files. These deceptive files, often camouflaged as harmless shortcuts, can wreak havoc on your system. LinkGuard’s mission is clear: to detect these malicious LNK files by identifying malicious code execution and analyzing command-line arguments.

The Essence of LinkGuard

LinkGuard is another AI-powered engine, designed to go deep into the world of LNK files, dissecting them to their core. Its ingenious approach involves examining the very essence of these files to determine if they harbor any signs of foul play. By scrutinizing the command-line arguments hidden within LNK files, LinkGuard can pinpoint any traces of malicious intent. It’s like having a digital detective that tirelessly hunts for threats, allowing you to fortify your system with confidence.

How LinkGuard Works

  • Unmasking Obfuscation LinkGuard excels at exposing the obfuscation techniques employed to hide malicious code within LNK files, ensuring that even the most cunning attempts at evasion are thwarted
  • Linguistic Analysis Leveraging , LinkGuard deciphers malicious themes embedded within LNK files using natural language processing (NLP) . It identifies subtle linguistic patterns indicative of malicious intent
  • Recognizing Familiar Tactics LinkGuard effectively identifies similarities to well-known malicious code execution, promptly recognizing tactics employed by cyber adversaries

By combining these three powerful capabilities, LinkGuard forms an invaluable shield against LNK-based cyber threats. It not only fortifies your cybersecurity defenses but also contributes to a safer digital environment.